Friday, July 23, 2010

Letter 8

Day 8 – An Internet Friend

I’m skipping this letter, because I don’t really have an internet friend. That seems like a bit of a blast from the past. So on that note, have a great weekend!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Letter 7

Day 7 – Your Ex-Boyfriend

Dear Matt,
Thank you for everything that you have taught me and everything we’ve been through. I know it’s been a long time since we’ve even spoken, but I learned a lot from you. I learned how far I could be pushed before I broke. I learned how low I could go before it was possible to turn back around and pick myself up. I learned how strong I could be and how to stand up for myself. You gave me good memories and you gave me some bad ones. You taught me who I want to be in a relationship. You taught me what to look for, and what not to look for. You taught me about broken promises and empty words. But you taught me what love is, and for that, I am forever grateful. I have no regrets when it comes to us, and it was a long time ago. The past is done, and I no longer dwell in it. I can smile when I think back to the memories of it, but I can also cringe. I lost myself because of you, but I also found myself. You forced me to look inside myself and discover who it is that I want to be. It was a long climb to get to where I am now, but I wouldn’t do it any differently. No matter what, thanks for the memories.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Letter 6

Day 6 – A Stranger

Dear Stranger,
I hope that life is going well for you. And I hope that you are happy. Life is too short not to be happy. It’s also too short to waste time doing something you don’t love or truly enjoy. I hope you can find what you desire in life, and you can accomplish all your dreams. Always be realistic in what you reach for though, because if you’re not, you are sure to be disappointed if you fail. Always remember that 95% of things in life are fixable, so don’t sweat the little things. As they say, “there’s no use crying over spilled milk.” Never forget that tomorrow is a new day, and you have the power to make it into anything that you want it to be. You are in control of your own happiness, and you control your life. So make something of it.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Letter 5

Day 5 – Your Dreams

Dear Dreams,
I have two sets of dreams. The first are my life dreams. They are with me everywhere I go, every step of my day. They push me to go farther than I thought imaginable, whether it’s with school or in life. I hope I can accomplish everything you want me to, and I hope I’m able to fulfill them all. I know that they are ever changing, but I’ll do my best to keep up with them.
As for my nightly dreams, or terrors, good gracious, I wish I understood them. Every night they are crazier than the last. I have the most bizarre dreams and I always remember them so vividly. I wish I knew why. Or even what they mean. I sure as hell don’t understand them. Between the two dreams of a second Holocaust, having to get my brain scanned for lung cancer, & the end of the world yet floating by the sun, I have no idea what’s going on in my head. The people who make appearances are almost always important in my everyday life. I doubt I’ll ever understand them…

Monday, July 19, 2010

Letter 4

Day 4 – Your Sibling

Dear Sister,
I love you. I know life seems to be tough lately, but it’s just because you’re trying to figure out what you want to do with your life. You are close approaching the time when life says “hey, time to make a decision, so what is it?” and you’re just not ready to make that next step, which is more than okay. Life shouldn’t be set down in steps like it seems to be these days, but I know you’ll do what’s right, even if you stumble along the way. I know the decision of where to go for the next step is frustrating but I need you to understand something. No matter where you go, you will make great new friends, as well as a great life. You have that kind of personality, the one that just pulls people to you. You are so funny and giggly. When you’re happy, people want to be with you. Nobody can make me life the way you do. You have so many opportunities ahead of you. You need to embrace that and expand. Go somewhere new, make a mistake, have a new adventure. You can go anywhere in the world right now, as they say: the world is your oyster… or something like that. Maybe Boston is the place for you, and only time will tell, but don’t be afraid to branch out. There are so many amazing places you could end up, and so many choices to look at. So truly explore and figure out where life’s next adventure is located for you. And remember that no matter where you end up, you’ll make it work. You’ll make brand new friends that are better than the last, and you’ll make brand new memories to last you a lifetime. Lastly, know that whatever your decision is, I am here by your side every step of the way. I would never desert you or let you down, and I will always support you. Love you.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Letter 3

Day Three – Your Parents

Dear Mom,
I know that we’ve been through a lot over the years, but what mother-daughter duo hasn’t? You’ve been a stronghold in my life throughout it all, and I am forever grateful for everything you do. I know it doesn’t always seem that way, but you should know it’s always true. Coming home this summer was going to be an adjustment for us both, but I think we’ve both done a great job of handling it. I am honestly going to miss being home when I’m at school, but I know we’ll have a great time whenever you come visit like we have every other time. I am who I am because of you, and I’m so proud of all you’ve accomplished in the past couple of years. Thank you for making me who I am today, and know that as I get older, we will only get closer. I love you.

Dear Dad,
I think I’ve always been a daddy’s girl, but not to the extent that kids are these days. I’ve always loved spending time with you and playing games. I remember playing that mastermind game all the time when I was little. That was always such a good time. Or when I used to make you come meet me halfway when I was walking home from Kelsey’s, which was literally only 7 houses down the street. But you always came and met me, and we would walk back together and I would babble about the nonsense that only a ten year old girl babbles about. Even though I don’t see you as much or spend as much time with you as I used to, I still love it when I get a chance to. You’ve given me so much throughout my life, and just like I told Mom, I am who I am because of you. Thank you for everything that you’ve done and continue to do in my life. I love you.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Letter 2

Day 2 – Your Crush

Dear Crush,
I couldn’t tell you how you felt about me if you paid me a million dollars. I know we’re friends though, and our friendship means a lot to me. You’re always smiling and always in a good mood. Even though we haven’t known each other that long, talking to you always makes me happy. You’re a character and always joking. I never have to be serious with you and you usually know the right things to say. I hope that one day, you’ll return the feeling, but at the same time, your friendship is enough. You’re just a crush, and that doesn’t carry much weight with it. Its lighthearted and its fun. My mind likes to explore possibilities, but knowing I have your friendship is enough for me. I look forward to seeing you again and I wonder where life will take us.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Daily Letters

I came across an interesting idea while browsing online. It gave me a list of 30 or so people, all anonymous, such as a friend, a brother, a soldier, etc. The idea is to write one letter a day. So I'm going to attempt to do that. Here's my first one.

Day 1 – Your Best Friend

Dear Best Friend,
You know who you are. In fact, you know who you all are. I love each and every one of you with all of my heart. You bring something special to the table and enhance my life in more ways than I would ever even be able to articulate. When I’m feeling sad, someone is there with a laugh. If I’m feeling stupid, someone is there to assure me that yes, I am stupid, but hey – it’s really not that big of a deal. Everybody has a best friend, and it would be cliché to say that nobody’s friends are as good as mine, but I’m saying it right here, right now, my friends are the best. Even if we just want to sit around our rooms and pig out on junk food it’s still a guaranteed good time. Going into any of their houses and feeling like another child to their family is a feeling that everyone should experience at some point in their lives. Friends are what get you through life. No matter what else you have, if you have friends, you have everything. And no, I don’t mean just the friend who you say hello to when you pass them on the street. I’m talking about the annoying, wonderful, hilarious, obnoxious, stupid, goofy, loving, intelligent, caring best friends that everyone deserves in their life. So to each and every one of you, don’t take them for granted. Appreciate them for all that they are worth and love them always.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Favorite Quote

“So I was never big on advice. But I have learned one thing for sure. One thing. So listen to me because this is important.”
“The most important decision you’ll ever make is who you marry,” Dad said. “You can take every other decision you’ll ever make, add them together, and it still won’t be as important as that one. Suppose you choose the wrong job, for example. With the right wife, that’s not a problem. She’ll encourage you to make a change, cheer you on no matter what. You understand?”
“Remember that, okay?”
“You have to love her more than anything in the world. But she has to love you just as much. Your priority should be her happiness, and her priority should be yours. That’s a funny thing – caring about someone more than yourself. It’s not easy. So don’t look at her as just a sexual object or as just a friend to talk to. Picture every day with the person. Picture paying bills with that person, raising children with that person, being stuck in a hot room with no air-conditioning and a screaming baby with that person. Am I making sense?”
“Yes,” Myron smiled and folded his hands on the table. “Is that how it is with you and Mom? Is she all those things to you?”
“All those things,” Dad agreed, “plus a pain in the tuchus.”

BY: Harlan Coben, found in the book: The Final Detail


I loved this quote today when I read it. To me, a complete love junkie, this epitomized a few thoughts of mine. I won't say anything else about it.